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Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. Albert Einstein

Summer and your pet

Summer is a good time to go out and soak up the warm heat of the sun. While we enjoy the summer days, let's also make sure that our pets don't get too much heat which may result in heat stroke.

Heat stroke occurs when the body is exposed to too much heat and the body is unable to

dissipate the heat by sweating. Did you know that it may only take as short as 10 minutes of heat exhaustion and your pet will be near death?  Heat stroke can be a life-threatening condition which can cause sudden death and is known to be one of the leading cause of mortalities in pets during summer.

Your pet's normal body temperature is 99.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, if it increases to 107 degrees, your pet is experiencing heat exhaustion. While we don't expect pet owners to bring a thermometer wherever you go out with your pet, we can take signs from the pet themselves. Here are the signs we need to watch out for: rapid panting, bright red tongue, red or pale gums, weakness, sticky salivation, dizziness, vomiting and sluggishness. In severe cases, it may lead to seizures and coma.

If you notice signs of overheating in your dogs or cats, the first thing that you need to do is get them out of direct sunlight. If they are inside an enclosed humid area (probably inside a parked car) get them out immediately and cool them with water or bathe them and provide ice chips which they could chew on. In severe cases wherein the cat or dog is having seizures and unconscious, you must bring your pet to the veterinarian immediately.

As much as possible, avoid going out during the hottest period of the day (between 10 am to 3 pm).
Avoid dressing up your pets during this season. Ventilation should be provided by opening windows and letting breeze in while indoors if not using an airconditioner while also making sure they can access the cooler areas of your home.








